Monday, September 24, 2007

Weekend Warriors

We don't leave the house on weekends.

My 1 year old is going in for his nap while my 3 year old is getting a snack and demanding our attention and whining that he's tired (aka "bored"). Then one of us takes said 3 year old for a walk to do something "FUN!" like pick up rocks and throw them in the sewer then he has his lunch. As he goes in for his nap, 1 year old is waking up. 1 year old has his lunch (and, on a good day, doesn't throw it back up) and one of us takes said 1 year old for a walk (provided he hasn't thrown up--if so, it's bathtime instead). Then it's time to get 3 year old up and we have a mad dash to all leave the house together and do something "FUN!" like pick up trash or play "is it mulch or dog poo?" (One of our lovely neighbors has graciously provided us with hours of "FUN!") The mad dash ends up in someone peeing, pooping, throwing up, or falling and smacking his head. Then, just as everyone is finally ready--clean, awake, and not bleeding--it's time for 1 year old to go in for his nap. When he wakes up...time for dinner!

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